How to Benefit from a Housing Boom

When an economy is experiencing a property boom, GDP growth figures usually rise substantially. A property boom is, therefore, a great source of wealth creation within a country. When demand for property, whether it is commercial and/or domestic housing, outweighs...

The Canadian Economy

Canada a booming economy The Canadian economy has received much attention from global economists as it is one of the few economies that has resisted the impact of the global recession. Consistent low inflation certainly helped the Canadian economy from the deep...

The fully fledged fiscal union in the EU

The European Union The issues surrounding the implementation of the European Union’s plan to implement a fully fledged fiscal union has highlighted fundamental problems within the Union. Back in October 2012 the Germans led a drive to establish a fully fledged...

Homelessness In Ireland: Lets do something about it

I remember back in May 2013, I was walking to a pub in Galway City to watch the UEFA Champions League final match between Bayern Munich and Borussia Dortmund when I was approached by a homeless guy looking for change for food. I must outline that Galway City is not a...