Feb 4, 2022 | Blog, The Economy
Are you searching for the best dogs for city living? If you are, you’ll want to stay away from Golden Retrievers, German Shepherds, and Boxers. These dogs need lots of exercise. And they won’t be able to get it when they’re crammed in an...
May 13, 2019 | Business, The Economy
The U.S. dollar is the strongest currency in the world. In fact, roughly 62 percent of central banks’ foreign exchange reserves are based in the dollar. The euro comes in a distant second place at 21 percent. However, it is important to note that currency value...
Jun 30, 2016 | The Economy
The people of the UK have voted to leave the European Union. In what has come as a shock to most of the world, what are the implications of Brexit for the Irish Economy? In this article we explore how a UK exit from the EU will affect Ireland. David Cameron made a...
Dec 12, 2015 | The Economy
The bankruptcy term in Ireland is set to be reduced to just 1 year in Ireland. The current term is 3 years which has been reduced from 15 years previous. The shortened term is a welcome adjustment to the laws surrounding insolvency and bankruptcy and bring the laws...
May 23, 2014 | The Economy
I did a feature last year entitled “The curious case of Portugal” where I looked at the persistent problems regarding the Portuguese economy over the recent decades. Portugal had low growth levels from the 1980’s and this had been compounded by the...
Apr 4, 2014 | The Economy
If I got a Euro for every time I have heard a business owner saying that the dole in Ireland is too high, there is a good chance I would be the proud owner of a Bentley and may be considering early retirement. Since the economic collapse in Ireland the rate of social...