10 Best Survey Sites in Canada 2019

Do you live in Canada and want to make good money by answering paid surveys at home?   This post shows you the 10 best paying survey sites for people in Canada in 2018. The following surveys are legitimate and will pay you on time. With the following paid...

5 Best Survey Sites That Pay Cash In India

Are you based in India and want to know about the best survey sites that pay cash in India? We previously helped over 39,000 Indian readers make more money by using the best paid surveys for Indians 2016 & 2017. Things have changed over the past year so you can...

20 Best Smartphone Apps That Pay You 2019

Last year we helped over 32,500 people earn money using their smartphones by showing them the right apps to download that will pay the highest rate of cash in our 20 best apps list 2018. This year we are hoping to help over 126,500 people earn extra cash in our...

17 Unconventional Jobs That Pay Well

Looking for unconventional jobs that pay well? In this post we look at high paying odd jobs, weird jobs and even under the table jobs that pay cash. We all grow up wanting an ordinary job like a teacher, accountant, lawyer or engineer. These types of jobs require you...