Kristi Lee is the news director of the radio show The Bob & Tom Show. Kristi Lee’s real name is Theresa Ritz. In this post we look at Kristi Lee net worth / net worth of Theresa Ritz.

Kristi Lee was born Theresa Ritz on 17 July 1960 and aged 64 in 2024. Kristi Lee was born in Indianapolis, Indiana.
She has been married and divorced three times and has two daughters.
Lee started in radio at her high school in Indianapolis. She started her first job in communications as a television engineer with WRTV.
In 1988 she started her career in radio with The Bob & Tom show which she has been apart from since.
Kristi Lee Earnings & Salary 2024
It was been suggested by other sites online that Kristi Lee’s income in 2024 has been worth around $123,795.
Kristi Lee Uninterrupted is the name of her podcast, this is also earning her money and potential sponsorship opportunities.
Kristi Lee Net Worth 2024
The radio star Kristi Lee net worth is $1.77 million in 2024. The potential for the future is with growth in her podcast “Kristi Lee Uninterrupted”.