10 Best PDF Readers

Choosing a PDF reader software isn’t a difficult decision, but like everything you want to ensure you have the best fit for your requirements. Here is a brief guide into the PDF readers and help inform you which is best for your requirements. 1. SumatraPDF This free...

502 Bad Gateway Explained

We all have most likely experienced a error when trying to visit a website, one of the most common errors is a 502 bad gateway error. Here is a simple explanation of what the 502 error is, what causes it and some simple solutions. What is a 502 bad gateway error? The...

7 Ways that Smartphones Can Save you Money and Time

Smartphones have become a necessary gadget to have. They combine the power and performance of a cellphone and a computer, in a size that can fit in your pocket. Smartphones offer many features and advantages that help you save you time and money. You can buy a mobile...

How To Prepare A Feasibility Report

A feasibility study is an essential activity to carry out within any project initiation phase. It helps to efficiently analyze the project regarding the technical feasibility and viability of the business. The results of the study will show that a project is...

5 Best Engineering Blogs 2019

If you are working in the enginering sector and want to stay up to date with all the latest news in the engineering world, there a a number of useful blogs that you can read to stay informed. In this post we will have a look at the top 5 engineering blogs to follow in...

10 Amazing Employee Engagement Ideas You Should Know

Results in a 2015 Gallup study found that only 32% of workers are engaged. A further 50.8% are disengaged while 17.2% are actively disengaged. Disengaged employees are uninspired to work and are often apathetic and dissatisfied with management, which puts an...