Construction projects across the globe benefit from the use of concrete. Nevertheless, formwork or shuttering is needed to create the desired shape of the material. The formwork comes as temporary or permanent molds and holds the poured concrete in the desired shape until it has cured. What are the common framework options today? 


Plywood Formwork

Plywood Forming serves as one of the common types of formwork in use today. This manufactured wood product comes in a variety of sizes and thicknesses. Construction companies prefer this material when building sheathing, decking, and form linings. The weight of the formwork is minimal, yet the finished product is durable and very strong. 


Timber Formwork

One of the original types of formwork, timber forms are assembled at the worksite. They are very flexible, making them easy to produce. Furthermore, they are easily removed and are lightweight. Construction companies find them to be economical, of importance with small projects, and they can be created in any size, shape, and height. Nevertheless, the company must check for termites before using the timber, and it isn’t very durable. Many contractors use it today when they need flexible formwork for a complex concrete project. 


Metallic Formwork

Steel and aluminum formwork continue to increase in popularity thanks to the fact they can be recycled and come with a long service life. The strong and durable materials come with a higher price tag, but they create a smooth concrete finish. The formwork is waterproof and can be easily installed and taken down. Construction companies often choose this material for curved structures. Aluminum is more suitable than steel when a lighter form is needed, but it isn’t as strong. 


Fabric Formwork

Fabric or flexible formwork should be used when constructing an unusual architectural creation. Less concrete is needed with this type of formwork. Although this remains an emerging technology, it continues to become more popular as it helps in the creation of complex and irregular shapes. 


Plastic Formwork

Interlocking panels and modular systems come together to create plastic formwork. The lightweight and durable material is ideal for small projects that require repetitive tasks. The formwork cleans easily with water, so it can be reused. This saves the company money. Nevertheless, it isn’t as flexible as timber. 


Stay-In-Place Formwork

At times, the formwork needs to remain in place after the concrete is cured. It then serves as shear and axial reinforcement. Construction companies build the formwork on the job site, using prefabricated plastic forms reinforced with fiber. They use this type of formwork when building columns and piers. It resists corrosion and environmental damage. 

Coffer serves as an additional type of stay-in-place formwork. This style consists of dual filtering grids. Articulated connectors link the grids, and they receive reinforcement from stiffeners. Manufacturers build this stay-in-place formwork in a factory before transporting it to the job site. 


Permanent Insulated Formwork

Of the different types of formwork systems, permanent insulated formwork remains among the most advanced. The formwork provides permanent insulation and comes with properties that allow it to resist pests, fire, and more. Most contractors prefer to use insulating concrete forms or ICFs, which involves using polystyrene boards to insulate the concrete. This energy-efficient option is ideal for green buildings due in part to its sustainability. 

Every concrete structure is unique in one or more ways. For this reason, different formwork options are needed. Consider all types when planning your project to ensure the right one is selected for the building design used.