One of the most popular part time jobs that you can find both online and offline are freelance cleaner jobs. Cleaning jobs are always found in online adverts and workers wanted adverts in newspaper classifieds.

Freelance cleaner

Practically anyone can carry out this job as long as you actually carry out the cleaning tasks that you are required to do by your customer. As a cleaner, you can offer your services to home owners, business people and facility managers.

Become A House cleaner

You can offer your services to home owners and to those who have young or large families who simply do not have the time to clean their houses.

There are many opportunities to make money cleaning houses for people in your local area. In many cases people busy with work and family commitments that they outsource their house cleaning to another person or cleaning company. There are also opportunities where holiday homes will need regular cleaning inside and outside of the house.

Cleaning Houses

How to attain cleaning jobs

Those who need to find a freelance cleaner would normally consult online advertisements and directories and local classified advertisements. It is therefore essential for a cleaner to create ads for local papers and advertising magazines and creating an online presence.


Depending on the scale of work that you want to attain,  it is worthwhile to set up a website for yourself. To get larger cleaning jobs and more money, it is essential to have an online presence in order for customers to find your site when they search keywords such as “house cleaning (your area)”.


If you are looking for part time work as a cleaner, a website may not be necessary as customers may perceive you to be too expensive. Therefore local adverts or signage on your car/van can help you get noticed by potential customers.


Business owners

Business owners who have premises and offices often do not have the time to clean their desks or hover their floors. Most small to medium sized businesses do not have cleaners employed, therefore they hire freelance cleaners on a “when needed” basis. For businesses that have customers visit their premises from time to time, need to have their offices in a presentable and clean condition for their meetings. For this reason, businesses are always a good target market for cleaners.


Facility Managers

It is always a good route to choose to target facility managers as they often contract cleaners to clean offices, vacant retail space and in some cases holiday homes and student accommodation.


How to get business

There are many online and offline methods that you can use in order to attract interest in your services. You can go down the cost effective route by adding online ads to classified websites and setting up social media profiles. You can also post advert posters at your local shop and community centre. You should also post an advert in local newspapers to attract attention of those who need your services in your local area.


If you want to grow into a professional cleaning business, you can get a website set up for yourself.


The benefits of being a cleaner

While it may not seem to be the most attractive job, the per hour rates are decent. You can schedule work around times that suit you and your family. You can get to choose what you want to wear when going to work.

If you can carry out a good cleaning service for your customers and even start offering a routine cleaning service to your customers. A routine service would mean that you earn a steady income as a cleaner.