Here we are going to discuss William Lane and his net worth.
Who is William Lane Craig?
William Lane Craig is an American philosopher and theologian. He is best known for his debates on the existence of God which he has debated publicly with famous figures, mainly those who are atheists.
Below we answer the question “what is the William Lane Craig net worth?”
What does he do?
William Lane Craig holds faculty positions in Talbot School Of Theology and Houston Baptist University.
Mr. Craig also runs the ministry
Craig is also the author of many books including:
- God Over All
- Reasonable Faith: Christian Truth and Apologetics
- On Guard: Defending Your Faith with Reason and Precision
- The Son Rises: Historical Evidence for the Resurrection of Jesus
- The Atonement (Elements in the Philosophy of Religion)
He has also authored many other books and been a co-author for a number of books also.
His books can be found on Amazon.
What Is The Net Worth Of William Lane Craig
While it has not been established what the net worth of William Lane Craig, it could be estimated that it is in the $120,000 to $1.2 million.
William Lane Craig Net Worth: $120.000 – $1,200,000
How can this net worth come about?
The income and total monetary worth is estimated based on William’s potential income from his University roles and book sales.
The income of Lane Craig has never been disclosed so it is very hard to say exactly. What property he owns has not also been disclosed.